Christian Polytechnic College

Approved by AICTE - New Delhi & Affiliated to DOTE - Chennai

Christian Polytechnic College

Approved by AICTE - New Delhi & Affiliated to DOTE - Chennai

National Service Scheme (NSS)

       National Service Scheme is a permanent body functioning under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. Christian Polytechnic college takes pride in serving the rural society through two units of NSS. NSS units of CPTC are fully funded by the central government and supervised by the NSS division of the Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai. The aim of NSS is to develop the personality of students through social service.


  1. Gaining knowledge on the current status of the society
    2. Identifying the problems and finding solutions to the problems
    3. Imbibing social responsibility
    4. Participation in social activities and developing leadership skills
    5. Inculcating the values of National integration and social well being


NOT ME BUT YOU is the motto of NSS. This is explanatory of democratic life style, voluntary service and love for humanity.


NSS symbol is created based on the wheels of the car engraved on the walls of the famous temple for Sun at Konark, Orissa


  1. Ministry of youth affairs and sports
    2. Directorate of Technical Education, Guindy, Chennai
    3. Regional Directorate of NSS, Chennai.
    4. Directorate of Collegiate Education ,Chennai.


UNIT-I -100 students (boys and girls of I year diploma) Started at the yaer of  1996
UNIT-II – 100 students (boys and girls of II year diploma) Started at the year of  2010



  1. Mr.K.S.Marimuthu HOD (i/c) /ECE
    Programme Officer Unit-I
    2. Mrs.U.Vijayalakshmi Sr.Lecturer / ECE
    Programme Officer Unit-II



Directorate NSS Award


Year : 2006 – 2007



  1. Maintaining cleanliness in the campus and planting saplings
    2. Making the campus plastic free
    3. Enhancing the gross enrollment ratio of students studying in higher education
    4. Traffic rules and safety measurements
    5. Programmes on social values and volunteerism
    6. Health education
    7. Blood donation camps
    8. Soft skills development
    9. Enhancing employability skills
    10. Women empowerment
    11. Disaster management.



  1. Cyber crime
    2. Consumer rights
    3. Food and nutrition
    4. Leprosy eradication
    5. RTI and RTE acts
    6. Women health, women rights
    7. General health camps
    8. Swine flu, dengue fever, hepatitis and hand washing
    9. Anti plastic propaganda
    10. Youth parliament
    11. Road safety
    12. Rainwater harvesting



  1. World No Tobacco Day-May 31
    2. World Environment Day-June 5
    3. International Yoga day-June 21
    4. International Day Against drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – June 2
    5. Independence Day-August 15
    6. Republic day-January 26
    7. NSS Day-September 24
    8. Gandhi Jayanthi-October 2
    9. Youth Awakening day-October 15(Dr..A.P.J Abdulkalam’s birth day)
    10. National constitution Day-November 26
    11. National Youth Day-January12



          Every year NSS units of our college organize seven day special camping programme in the adapted villages and slums. During that programme ,various need based and welfare oriented programmes for the benefit of the community are conducted. “Youth for cleanliness” is the theme of the programme.


  1. Plantation of saplings
    2. Rain water harvesting structures
    3. Basic technical training to rural youth
    4. Self employment training to rural women
    5. Simple renovation work at schools, temples, community halls etc
    6. Conducting health camps
    7. Programmes on human rights, consumer rights, literacy etc
    8. Road safety ,first aid programmes
    9. Cultural and sports activities.


Youth Red Cross – YRC
  1. The youth Red Cross is the most important constituent of its parent organization, Indian Red Cross.
  2. It is a group movement organized for students between 18 and 25 years of age and it functions within the college premises.
  3. A qualified lecturer is recognized as the leader and he is called the progrmme officer. Under his guidance, the students are trained and encourged to manage the affairs of the group, electing their own office bearers.


Red Ribbon Club – RRC
  1. RED RIBBON CLUB of the College with fifty volunteers from the first and second year students is active under the guidance of the programme officer.
  2. The main objective of the RRC Programme is to Create Awareness about HIV/AIDS and the ways and means to prevent it among the youth.
  3. To conduct blood donation camp.