Our Advisor

Dr. P. T. Rajan, is a B.Sc. graduate in Physics from Annamalai University and a B.E. graduate in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Thiyagarajar College of Engineering of Madurai Kamaraj University in 1992. He has also got his M.Tech. in Power System from National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur and he holds a Ph.D in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India.
He won National Merit Scholarship for high School Studies and served in the field of Technical Education for more than 33 years in various capacities and retired as the Principal of a Polytechnic College in 2017. He was awarded prizes for having guided best projects for Polytechnic students by the Director of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu.
He visited foreign countries such as U.S.A., U.K, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei and Indonesia to present papers in various conferences and attended faculty Training programmes held at
- National Institute of Education, Singapore.
- Oxford University, U.K
- University of Luton, U.K.
- Republic Polytechnic, Singapore.
- Southeast Asian Ministers of Education organization
- Regional centre for TVET,
- Bandar Seri Begawan
- Brunei Darussalam and various reputed colleges and universities in India.
He visited all the Polytechnics and Universities in Singapore on academic affairs and he has also acted as a member in organizing International Congress on Management of Quality in Technical Education, Morocco, Scientific Committee of Second International Congress on Management of Quality in Education and Training System, and a referee of “International Journal for Educational Development” Published by University of Reading, U.K. and reviewer for selection of papers for ESTCON 2016, Malaysia.
He has successfully Implemented Canada – India Institution Cooperation Project (CIICP) for more than Nine years and awarded 7th place in Top 10 CIICP implementing polytechnic colleges by the DOTE, Chennai. He is Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE).