Christian Polytechnic College

Approved by AICTE - New Delhi & Affiliated to DOTE - Chennai

Christian Polytechnic College

Approved by AICTE - New Delhi & Affiliated to DOTE - Chennai

Engineering Association

Association Name: 

CS-Corner Stone

Goal of Association:

1.  Awareness of higher education.
2. Motivational speech about career guidance.
3. Entrepreneurship.

Association Office Bearers
Faculty-in-chargeMr.A.Daniel rex B.E.,Lecturer
PRESIDENTSelvan. Vinish suthirIII-Year
VICE PRESIDENTSelvan. HarisankarII-Year
SECRETARYSelvan. MadhankumarIII-Year
TREASURERSelvan. SuryaII-Year


Association Name:

SOMRA-Society of Mechanical Rockers Association

Goal of Association:

1.To conduct motivational, carrier guidance & development, skill development and etc.. for students.
2.Students can meet others, grow as individuals, and help to find their place in the society.

Association Office Bearers
Faculty-in-chargeMr.B.RAMAR.,B.E.,Sr. Lecturer
PresidentSelvan.V.Manoj kumarIII-Year
Vice PresidentSelvan.V.ThirupathirajaIII-Year
Join SecretarySelvan.V.Balasakthi kumarII-Year
TreasurerSelvan.A.Mohammed IrfanIII-Year


Association Name:

(Excited, Lovely, Exclusive, Charming, Tolerance, Reliable, Adaptable)

Goal of Association:

1. Our Association conduct beneficial seminars, guest lectures, paper presentations, workshops, technical events and cultural activities that will advocate and promote creative thinking, leadership skills, artistic talents, cooperation and coordination and thus enable the members to function on multi-disciplinary team.
2. To conduct motivational program for the students about carrier guidance development program, life skill, practical knowledge development and etc…
3. To arrange Industrial Visit for the Second year & Third year students.
4. To encourage the students to do the mini project in 3rd semester, 4th semester and 5th semester.
5. To encourage and develop the students talents by different activities.
6. Student clubs and organizations can help students create connections, build relationships, and expand their skills outside the lecture hall.

Association Office Bearers


Association Name:

CAFACE-Creative Association For Adding of Communication Engineers

Goal of Association:

1. To conduct motivational program for the students about carrier guidance development program , life skill , practical knowledge development and etc…
2. To arrange Internship program (Industrial training) for the students in IV th and V th semester.
3. To encourage the students to do the mini project in 3rd semester , 4th semester and 5th semester.
4. To encourage and develop the students talents by different activities.

Association Office Bearers
Faculty-in-chargeMr. R.Sureshkumar M.E.,Lecturer
Vice PresidentSelvan.K.HariprasathII-Year
SecretarySelvi.R.Jenifer kamaliIII-Year
Join SecretarySelvan.S.Ranjith kumarII-Year


Association Name:

CHRIPOCAS-Christian Polytechnic College Computer Association

Goal of Association:

1. Bringing the students together, helping them to acclimate life in the college.

2. Connecting them with other students, as well as alumni, and can help students to develop transferable skills.

3. To attract and facilitate the entry of new students.

4. Student association further enhance the academic experience as they are able to build on critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and leadership development.

5. Students can meet others, grow as individuals, and help to find their place in the society.

6. Connecting the students with industry peoples.

Association Office Bearers
Faculty-in-chargeMr. P. RavichandranGuest Lecturer
Vice PresidentSelvan.D.Silas PaulII-Year
SecretarySelvi.S.Stella PersiyaIII-Year
Join SecretarySelvi.G.ArchanaII-Year
Association Name:

ACTA-Automotive Creative Technology Association

Goal of Association:

• To conduct motivational, carrier guidance & development, skill development and etc.. for students.
• To excite the students about entrepreneurship and acquiring entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness.
• To participate in Internship program (Industrial training) for the students on or before 5th semester.
• To encourage the students to do mini project on or before 5th semester.
• To encourage and develop the students talents by different activities.

Association Office Bearers
Faculty-in-chargeMr.A.Sabarinathan., B.E.,Sr. Lecturer
Vice PresidentSelvan.D.GokulprasathII-Year
Join SecretarySelvan.S.KesavanII-Year
Association Name:

Literature Club

Goal of Association:

To develop the students literary skills and to  encourage them to participate in extra curricular activities.

Association Office Bearers
Faculty-in-chargeMrs.T.Dayana JuliatSr. Lecturer
PresidentSelvan.P.Vasantha KumarI – Mech
Vice PresidentSelvan.G.SuriyanI – Auto
SecretarySelvan.R.Mohammed Toufiq RahmanI – Mech
Join SecretarySelvan.S.Praveen BabuI – EEE
TreasurerSelvi.J.AnithaI – Comp