Christian Polytechnic College

Approved by AICTE - New Delhi & Affiliated to DOTE - Chennai

Christian Polytechnic College

Approved by AICTE - New Delhi & Affiliated to DOTE - Chennai

Diploma in Automobile Engineering

Automobile Engineering Branch was started in the year 2012 with an intake of 60 students. The department has well qualified and experienced faculty members and the laboratories are equipped with latest instruments and modern machineries that includes

1. Industrial Automation Lab.
2. Automobile Chassis and Transmission Lab.


S.No.Staff NameQualificationDesignation
1Mr.   C.S. SakthivelM.Tech.,HOD
2Mr.   S. SahayamM.Tech.,Sr.Lecturer
3Mr.   A. SabarinathanB.E.,Sr.Lecturer
4Mr.   V. Kavin KumarM.E.,Lecturer
5Mr.   M. BalasubramaniamM.E.,Lecturer
6Mr.   T. KapilB.E.,Guest Lecturer
7Mr.   D. MuthupandiB.E.,Guest Lect.
8Mr.   N. AlexanderI.T.I.Lab Inst.
9Mr.  A. SadaiyandiI.T.I.Lab Inst.
Association Name:

ACTA-Automotive Creative Technology Association

Goal of Association:

• To conduct motivational, carrier guidance & development, skill development and etc.. for students.
• To excite the students about entrepreneurship and acquiring entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness.
• To participate in Internship program (Industrial training) for the students on or before 5th semester.
• To encourage the students to do mini project on or before 5th semester.
• To encourage and develop the students talents by different activities.

Association Office Bearers
Faculty-in-chargeMr.A.Sabarinathan., B.E.,Sr. Lecturer
Vice PresidentSelvan.D.GokulprasathII-Year
Join SecretarySelvan.S.KesavanII-Year